Great White Shark Desktop Theme

         *** This theme is in no way, shape or form intended to serve a profit-making purpose! ***

╖ Windows95/98/NT.
╖ Microsoft Plus! or corresponding theme application.
╖ Video card capable of at least 256 color mode, 640x480 resolution. However, the theme looks best in 1024x768 or 800x600 screen resolution in high color or true color mode.
╖ IMPORTANT! In order to combine high quality with reasonable filesize, the sound files in this theme are compressed in MPEG Layer-3 format. If you want to use them, you'll need to install Microsoft NetShow.


Run "gws setup.exe". You will be prompted to unzip all files into the standard theme directory C:\Program Files\Plus!\Themes\. If this is not your theme directory, then just type in the correct directory before unzipping.

To install the startup/shutdown screens, run the batch file "Logo screens install.bat". If you later want to restore the original (English) Windows95, Windows98 or Plus98 logos, they can be downloaded below:

Windows95 logos
Windows98 logos
Plus98 logos


If you experience any trouble with running this theme, please refer to the included Themes FAQ.